J1 Asagiri 2022

J1 Asagiri, the Final round of J1 League took place on Nov 19.
For me, this race was very very important. My annual ranking was 21st. I needed to get a good position to become a “seeded pilot” which needs to be in under 20th for annual ranking. To achieve the goal, my strategy is to make a solid flight, not too aggressive.

At the start, I was not in a good position, 50m to 100m lower than top pilots. So, I decided to go a little slow and let several pilots go ahead. Watching other how other pilots float and choose better transit lines (lifted lines). It worked and I caught up with the top group in the middle stage.

A turning point was when I was at 2 phases before the final glide which we were at Okura. I succeeded to catch a good thermal alone. Other pilots caught good thermal too, but mine was a little closer to the goal. The usual theory is to go next thermal point “Tenshi Mt.” which is the place to gain the heights for the final glide. However, My vario was saying that I can pass the goal line 50m above the ground. Meaning that I can pass Tenshi Mt. and go straight to the goal. It was a big choice. Risking bombed out, entering CTR (airspace you are not allowed to fly), or becoming 1st in this race. I wish I could take that risk but, my goal is to become a seeded pilot for next year, not to get 1st in this race. So, the choice is clear. I decided to go to Tenshi Mt, gathered with the top group, and regained height to make the final glide.

As result, I become 8th in the race and 18th in the annual ranking. Seeded Pilot for next year!!!!
I am very happy with the result. Can’t wait for next year!!


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Yamba Dam